Admission Procedure
Who is Eligible for ICF/DD services
Eligibility for ICF services is determined through a screening process. To be eligible for ICF services a person must meet all these criteria
• Be determined to have a developmental disability or a related condition
• Have substantial limitations in present functioning, manifested as significantly sub-average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with demonstrated deficits in adaptive behavior
• Manifest conditions before the person’s 22nd birthday
• Require a 24-hour plan of care
Eligibility for ICF services is determined through a screening process. To be eligible for ICF services a person must meet all these criteria
• Be determined to have a developmental disability or a related condition
• Have substantial limitations in present functioning, manifested as significantly sub-average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with demonstrated deficits in adaptive behavior
• Manifest conditions before the person’s 22nd birthday
• Require a 24-hour plan of care